1. lived Experience of Stroke Survivors in India: A Phenomenological Study published in Belitung Nursing Journal, Vol.& Issuse No.8(5). 405-413, Sep-Oct 2022.Scopus Indexed Journal https://doi.org/10.33546/bnj.2161 2. An Exploratory Study to Analyze the Factors Affecting Virtual Classes Among Bachelor Nursing Science Students of Northern Border University, Arar, Saudi Arabia at International Organization of Scientific Research Journal of Nursing and Health Science Vol;9, Issue:5 Ser.IV Sep-Oct2020 http://doi.org/ 10.9790/1959-0905041029 3. A Retrospective Study on Chronic Kidney Disease among Hemodialysis Patients of the Artificial Kidney Unit, Arar Central Hospital, Arar, Kingdom of Saudi...