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صورة المستخدم

Lecturer in the Department of Information Technology, Faculty of Computing and Information Technology

صورة المستخدم

Academic Subjects

This course aims to qualify students to know the basic theoretical, practical, and technical aspects of computer hardware and software that will be the focus of their future studies.


Text analysis is a field of study in data science that analyses human-generated textual data generated through books, articles, reviews, social media posts and discussions among other sources. Text is initially converted to numerical data using the well-known "term frequency-inverse document frequency" (TFIDF) technique. TFIDF measures the importance of each word in a document relative to other words in the document and the whole data corpus. Data generated from social media has a unique nature: In addition to the text itself, a post on social media can have different types of engagement such as likes, replies, and reposts.



Office Hours

Sunday 08:00 am-09:30 am
Tuesday 12:30 pm-03:30 pm
Thursday 09:30 am-11:00 am