1200305 _Urinary System Module & 1200307 _Reproductive System Module & 1200304_ Respiratory System Module & 1200303_ Cardiovascular System Module & 1200301_ Musculoskeletal System Module & 1200309_...
The course is designed to cover the underlying basic aspects of medical parasitology to fulfill an essential prerequisite datum of knowledge for efficient nursing staff and be a systematic study of...
The major student activities that take place during the field experience are: - Compliance with the rules and regulations of the Subject/Laboratory work. - Send required forms to the department head...
This course is intended to help the students to gain the basic knowledge and skills to deal with Diagnostic Parasitology Mainly Medical Protozoology and Entomology in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia...
This course is intended to help the students to gain the basic knowledge and skills to deal with Diagnostic Parasitology Mainly Medical Helminthology in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, therefore, the...
This course is intended to help the students to gain the basic knowledge and skills to deal with Medical Parasitology and Medical Entomology in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, therefore, should not be...