The Role of AI Tools in Editing and Proofreading: A Need for Human-Centric Perspective Publication date2024/11 Journal :Acta Scientiae ISSN:1517-4492 | E-ISSN:2178-7727 Publisher :ISSN:1517-4492 | E-ISSN:2178-7727
Study Of Cyber Security Challenges And Its Emerging Trends On Latest Technologies Publication date :2024/10 Journal :International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews JRAR24D1118
Blended Learning and Autonomous Learning: The Overview of The Digital Age of Learning ,Learners and Teachers Involvement , and Digital Sources Publication date:2024/3 Journal : SCIENCE INTERNATIONAL Publisher:
Big Data Analytics and Cloud Computing: Implementation Issues and Effects Publication date: 2024/2 Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research
The Future of Cloud Computing: Benefits and Challenges Publication date :2023/12 Journal: Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research Volume: 10 Issue: 12 Pages:13 Publisher