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Dr Yamen El Touati

Associate professor, Holder of Engineering degree, M. S. and PhD in Computer science. His research area covers Petri Networks, control, diagnose and verification of discrete event systems and dynamic hybrid systems as well as artificial Intelligence and machine learning. 

Academic Subjects

This course continues the coverage of the fundamental concepts of Object-Oriented Programming that started in Java Programming I (CPCS 202). The course covers basic to intermediate level of...
This course helps students to develop basic problem-solving skills using the Java programming language. The topics includes API, IDE, JDK, numerical Data, primitive data type, short hand operators...
This course is designed to provide the basics theoretical, practical and technical aspects of computer Hardware and Software. The student will learn about an introduction to the discipline of...
This course introduces the theory of computation through a set of abstract machines that serve as models for computation - finite automata, pushdown automata, and Turing machines – and examines the...


This course provides students with an investigation of compiler theory, design, and construction. It also introduces basic concepts of different phases of a compiler, which qualifies students to understand contents of this course. Topics include Compiler & Interpreter, Compilation process, Front-End Phases of a compiler, Back-End Phases of a compiler, Symbol Table, Error Handler, Compiler-construction tools, Syntax Definition, Syntax-Directed Translation, The role of the lexical analyzer, Specification & Recognition of tokens, Finite Automata, DFA & NFA, From Regular Expressions to Automata, The role of parser & Context-free grammars, and Top-down & Bottom-up parsing Techniques.



Office Hours

Sunday 08:00 am-10:00 am
Monday 08:00 am-10:00 am
Thursday 08:00 am-10:00 am