Week 1 ~ 2


Chapter 1 : The Crystal Structure of Solids (6 hours)

  •  Semiconductor materials
  • Types of solids
  • Space lattices
  • Atomic bonding
  • Imperfections and Impurities in solids
  • Growth of Semiconductor materials

Week 3 ~ 4


Chapter 2: Introduction to Quantum Mechanics (6 hours)

  • Principles of quantum mechanics
  • Schrodinger’s wave equation
  • Applications of Schrodinger’s wave equation.

Week 5 ~ 6


Chapter 3: Introduction to The Quantum Theory of Solids (6 hours)

  • Allowed and forbidden energy bands
  • Electrical conduction in solids
  • Extension to three dimensions
  • Density of states function
  • Statistical mechanics

Week 7 ~ 9


Chapter 4: The semiconductor in equilibrium (6 hours)

  • Charge carriers in semiconductor
  • Dopant atoms and energy level
  • The extrinsic semiconductor
  • Statistics of Donor and Acceptor
  • Charge Neutrality
  • Position of Fermi energy level

Week 8


Mid-Semester Break

Week 10 ~ 11


Chapter 5: Carrier transport phenomena (6 hours)

  • Carrier drift
  • carrier diffusion
  • Graded impurity distribution
  • The Hall Effect. 

Week 12 ~ 13


Chapter 6: Nonequilibrium excess carriers in semiconductors (6 hours)

  • Carrier generation and recombination
  • Characteristics of excess carrier
  • Ambipolar transport
  • Quasi-fermi energy levels
  • Excess-carrier lifetime
  • Surface effects

Week 14


Chapter 7: The pn Junction (3 hours)

  • Basic structure of the pn junction
  • Zero applied bias
  • Reverse applied bias
  • Nonuniformly doped junctions.

Week 15


Chapter 8: The pn junction diode (3 hours)

  • pn junction current
  • Generation-recombination currents
  • Junction breakdown

Week 16-18


Revision Week and Final Examination





The objective of this course is to introduce students to the basic physics of semiconductor materials.


The purpose of this course is to provide a basis for understanding the characteristics, operation, and limitations of semiconductor devices. In order to gain this understanding, it is essential to have a thorough knowledge of the physics of the semiconductor material. The goal of this course is to bring together quantum mechanics, the quantum theory solids, semiconductor material physics, and semiconductor device physics. All of these components are vital to the understanding of both the operation of present day devices and any future development in the field.


Course Outcomes (CO):

At the end of the course the students should be able to:

CO1 Understand the basic structures of semiconductor materials and their properties.

CO2 Understand the basic concepts of energy band theories and bonding.

CO3 Understand the basic concepts of quantum mechanics.

CO4 Understand the properties of semiconductor in equilibrium and non-equilibrium condition.

CO5 Understand the carrier transport phenomena in semiconductor materials.

CO6 Understand the theories of pn junction in semiconductor physics and devices.

CO7 Have a thorough knowledge for advanced course in semiconductor physics and devices.

CO8 Work in a team and communicate effectively


















Chapter 1: The Crystal Structure of Solids

Semiconductor materials, Types of solids, Space lattices, Atomic bonding,

Imperfections and Impurities in solids, Growth of Semiconductor materials.




Chapter 2: Introduction to Quantum Mechanics

Principles of quantum mechanics, Schrodinger’s wave equation, Applications of

Schrodinger’s wave equation.



Chapter 2: Introduction to Quantum Mechanics

Principles of quantum mechanics, Schrodinger’s wave equation, Applications of

Schrodinger’s wave equation.



Chapter 3: Introduction to The Quantum Theory of Solids

Allowed and forbidden energy bands, Electrical conduction in solids



Chapter 3: Introduction to The Quantum Theory of Solids

Allowed and forbidden energy bands, Electrical conduction in solids



Chapter 4: The semiconductor in equilibrium

Charge carriers in semiconductor, Dopant atoms and energy level, The extrinsic

semiconductor, Statistics of Donor and Acceptor


Chapter 4: The semiconductor in equilibrium

Charge carriers in semiconductor, Dopant atoms and energy level, The extrinsic

semiconductor, Statistics of Donor and Acceptor


Chapter 7: The pn Junction

Basic structure of the pn junction, Zero applied bias, Reverse applied bias, Nonuniformly doped junctions


Chapter 7: The pn Junction

Basic structure of the pn junction, Zero applied bias, Reverse applied bias, Nonuniformly doped junctions


Chapter 8: The pn junction diode

pn junction current, Generation-recombination currents, Ju


Chapter 8: The pn junction diode

pn junction current, Generation-recombination currents, Ju



(i) Semiconductor Physics and Devices, basic Principles: Donald A. Neamen, Third Edition, McGraw Hill.


(i) Solid State Electronics Devices: Ben G. Streetman, Prentice Hall (2000).

(ii) Semiconductor Fundermentals: Pierret R.F, Addison Wesley (1996).

(iii) The Essence of Solid State Electronics, Linda Edward-Shea, Prentice Hall (1996).



Chapter 1


(a) Mention two general classifications of semiconductors.

(b) Determine the volume of atoms in a (a) simple cubic, (b) body-centered cubic and (c) facecentered cubic. Lattice constant is 5 A.

(c) Determine the distance between nearest (110) planes in a simple cubic lattice with a lattice

constant = 4.83 A.

(d) Mention the lattice structure of Silicon and GaAs semiconductors


(a) Determine the number of atoms per unit cell in a (a) simple cubic, (b) body-centered cubic and (c)

face-centered cubic.

(b) Determine the distance between nearest (110) planes in a simple cubic lattice with a lattice

constant = 48.3 nm.

(c) Determine the Miller indices of the plane pictured below:



(a) Mention three general types of crystal.

(b) Determine the number of atoms per unit cell in a (a) simple cubic, (b) body-centered cubic and (c)

face-centered cubic.

(c) Determine the surface density of atoms for silicon on the (a) (100) plane, (b) (110) plane and (c)

(111) plane.

(d) Mention two general methods of doping process.

Chaper 3


(a) (i) Determine the probability that an energy level is occupied by an electron if

the state is above the Fermi level by 5 kT.

(ii) Determine the probability that an energy level is empty of an electron if the state is below the

Fermi level by 10 kT.

(b) Calculate the temperature at which there is a 10-6 probability that an energy state 0.55 eV above

the Fermi energy level is occupied by an electron. Q2

Consider the energy levels shown in Figure 1. Let T=300 K.

(b) If E1-EF = 0.30 eV, determine the probability that an energy state at E = E1 is occupied by an

electron and the probability that an energy state at E = E2 is empty.


(c) The forbidden energy band of GaAs is 1.42 eV. (i) Determine the minimum frequency of an

incident photon that can interact with a valence electron and elevate the electron to the

conduction band. (ii) What is the corresponding wavelength?


Chapter 3.

Text book problem 3.42

Assume the Fermi energy level is exactly in the center of the bandgap energy of a semiconductor at

T=300 K. (a) Calculate the probability that an energy state in the bottom of conduction band is

occupied by an electron for Si, Ge, and GaAs. (b) Calculate the probability than energy in the top of

valence band is empty for Si, Ge, and GaAs.

(answer; (a) Si: 4.07x10-10, Ge:2.93x10-6, GaAs:1.24x10-12 (b) Same with part (a)

Published Date
27 Rajab 1444
Last Change Date
27 Rajab 1444