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Mubarak Altwaiji is Professor of American literature & literary theory. He has been head of the department of English Language Skills for three years and a visiting scholar at North American Studies Department, The University of Göttingen, Germany. He authored several articles on literary theory, criticism, and cultural studies. His new book is Ground Zero Narratives: Islam and Muslims in Post-9/11 American Narratives and Arab American Counter-Narratives was published by Rowman & Littlefield, New York, Novermber 2023.

المواد الدراسية

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البريد الإلكتروني

الساعات المكتبية

الأحد 12:00 م-02:00 م
الاثنين 12:00 م-02:00 م
الثلاثاء 12:00 م-02:00 م
الأربعاء 12:00 م-02:00 م
الخميس 12:00 م-02:00 م