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ربيع عبدالله علي أحمد

Personal data

Name: Rabie AbdAllah Ali Ahmed

Nationality: Egyptian

Current Position: Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Computing & IT, Northern Border University, KSA

Permanent Position: Assistant Professor, Department of Math & Computer Science, Faculty of Science, Beni Suef University, Egypt

E-mail: arbie.ahmed@nbu.edu.sa , Rabieabdallah@science.bsu.edu.eg

Mobile: +9660569037656



A challenging research program in the field of computer sciences that builds upon my research experience, especially in software like compiler construction, High performance computing, and parallel computing in Bioinformatics & Biological computation.



  • Extensive experience in Machine Learning Techniques
  • Extensive experience in Parallel Computing of Support Vector Machines for classification Bioinformatics data sets.
  • Extensive experience in biological computation methods for Classification.
  • Extensive experience in High performance computing.
  • Extensive experience in parallel processing and parallel compilers.
  • Extensive experience in compiler generators tools, attribute grammar techniques, and compilers construction.

المواد الدراسية


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البريد الإلكتروني

الساعات المكتبية

الثلاثاء 10:00 ص-12:00 م
الأربعاء 10:00 ص-12:00 م