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صورة المستخدم

Dr. Qamar Alshammari was graduated from Northern Border University (NBU) with a Pharm. D. in 2016 with First class of honor. After that, she joined the Pharmacology &Toxicology department- college of Pharmacy at NBU in 2018. Dr. Qamar received her Master degree in Pharmaceutical sciences (Pharmacology) from school of pharmacy, Chapman University, United states, in 2018. Then, she received her Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical sciences (Pharmacology) from school of pharmacy, Chapman University, United states, in 2022 with First class of honor.

 Her main research area includes:

  • Spectral Imaging Microscopy
  • Spectrophotometer
  • Nano-medicine
  • Cardiovascular Diseases


    Dr. Qamar is Licensed and Registered Pharmacist SCFHS: Senior Pharmacist- Pharmaceutical Sciences.


    - Member of Center for Healthcare Research, Northern Border University 

    - Member of the Pharmacy Honor Society (Rho Chi): international honor society to recognizes scholastic excellence in pharmaceutical sciences

    - Current member of Saudi Pharmaceutical Association

    - American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS)

صورة المستخدم

المواد الدراسية

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البريد الإلكتروني

الساعات المكتبية

الأحد 10:00 ص-11:00 ص11:00 ص-12:00 م
الاثنين 09:00 ص-10:00 ص
الأربعاء 09:00 ص-10:00 ص10:00 ص-11:00 ص