Groundwater Engineering (1401455)
This course covers the groundwater engineering concepts and techniques for determination the structure of groundwater reservoirs, aquifer types, groundwater movement in order to determination of groundwater resources in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The main objective is to improve knowledge of groundwater movements and identify issues that related to groundwater withdrawals in order to explore the groundwater aquifer by different techniques.
List of Course's Topics:
- Introduction to groundwater
- Layers containing groundwater
- Groundwater movement
- Basic principles and fundamental equations
- Water wells
- Aquifer test and flow net analysis
- Quality of groundwater
- Pollution of groundwater
- Management of groundwater
- Groundwater modeling and techniques with computer applications
- Applications in groundwater

تاريخ النشر
17 رَجب 1444
تاريخ أخر تعديل
17 رَجب 1444