Syed Raziuddin Quadri and Dayanand Agsar

Streptomyces is a prominent genus under actinomycetes and well known for the synthesis of variety of bioactive molecules. 
In the present study, eight Streptomyces species were isolated and characterized from the soil samples of limestone quarries 
of the Deccan traps, India. The identified organisms being thermo-alkaliphilic, alkaline pH (9.0), higher temperature (45oC) 
and 3.0 % concentration of sodium chloride were proved to be important physiological attributes for the more synthesis of 
melanin. DRQ 11, 12 and 26 have been proved as efficient isolates for the increased synthesis of melanin - 2.76 µg/ml, 2.66 
µg/ml and 2.85 µg/ml in Shinobu's Synthetic Tyrosine, Peptone Yeast extract-Iron and Starch Casein media, respectively. 
Streptomyces sp. DRQ 26 has shown the maximum synthesis of melanin by utilizing starch (2.98µg/ml) and tyrosine 
(3.12µg/ml) as the carbon and nitrogen sources respectively. 

تاريخ النشر
04 مُحرَّم 1446
تاريخ أخر تعديل
04 مُحرَّم 1446