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صورة المستخدم

Aseel Alfaisal is a lecturer at ِApplied College, Northern Border University.  Her areas of interest are phonetics and phonology, linguistics, sociolinguistics, Arabic dialects, comparative linguistic, educational leadership

SCOPUS ID: 57219709276      

ORCID ID  https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0781-126 


صورة المستخدم

المواد الدراسية


Predicting the actual use of social media sites among university communicators: using PLS-SEM and ML approaches / Aseel M. Alfaisal, Aisha Zare, Afrah Alshaafi, Rose Aljanada, Raghad M. Alfaisal, Ghadeer W. Abukhalil. International Journal of Advances in Applied Computational Intelligence (IJAACI), Vol. 01, No. 01, PP. 23-33, 2022 . Doi : https://doi.org/10.54216/IJAACI.010102


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